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Gabi, Moose uit Willemstad zoekt een Kattenoppas

Plaatsing oproep: 08 december 2024

We are Bob and Adele, a couple who live in Willemstad with our 2 cats, Moose and Gabi. We are looking for a confident cat sitter to take care of these 2 from the period 19th - 26th December 2024, with 2 visits per day, at our home in Willemstad. Both cats are lovely and friendly - Gabi, however does need daily medication and care. That means: 1) giving her powder medication in her food and making sure she east it all - this is for her pancreas and digestion 2) Checking inside her ears every day and cleaning them if necessary - she has an infection which means her ears get blocked easily, so need cleaning regularly. Both of these things are fairly simple if you are used to dealing with cats - if you are not then it can be tricky, of course We would ideally like you to visit twice per day - once in the morning and once in the early evening, in order to feed the cats, change their litter, and give Gabi her medication. Would you be available to have a chat about this,? Looking forward to hearing from you, Bob and Adele Buckley Bovenkade 7, Willemstad

Ik zoek een oppas voor:

Eenmalige vakantie
19 december 2024 tot en met 27 december 2024
Gabi, Moose uit Willemstad zoekt een Kattenoppas
  Bewaren   Bewaard
Woonplaats Willemstad
Postcode 4797AT
Lid sindsdecember 2024
Laatste keer ingelogd2 maanden geleden
 E-mailadres Geverifiëerd

Huisdierenoppas gezocht voor

  • Huisbezoek

Oppas gezocht voor

  • Kat

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