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Dennis, Gizmo, Ryuk uit Peize zoekt een Kattenoppas

Plaatsing oproep: 06 november 2024

We are looking for a overnight cat sitter for our four boys over the Christmas period.

They are indoor cats, so very lazy. The boys are used to someone always being at home, so we would love for someone to look after them in their environment.

Dennis is a big lover boy and will drool for milk and cheese.
Gizmo is easily won over with his favourite brush.
Ryuk (Rookie) loves people and will shower you with love too.
Olaf is the baby and a bit shy, but he's very food orientated which helps!

They have lots of toys, treats and catnip, and each have their own big personalities, so they're an interesting and entertaining group! They mostly enjoy bring lazy about the house where ever there's a sunny spot.

We moved with them from South Africa, so it's important for us to find a good and caring cat sitter.

We live in a stand alone house with nice back yard. The area is really tranquil, so it'll make for a good holiday for you too!

Ik zoek een oppas voor:

Eenmalige vakantie
23/12/2024 tot en met 27/12/2024
Dennis, Gizmo, Ryuk uit Peize zoekt een Kattenoppas
  Bewaren   Bewaard
Woonplaats Peize
Postcode 9321VA
Beantwoorde berichten0%
Lid sindsoktober 2024
Laatste keer ingelogd3 maanden geleden
 E-mailadres Geverifiëerd

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  • Kat

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