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Registreren en reagerenHi!
I'm looking for a cat sitter for between December 16th and January 6th for my cat Chicco. It's right around Christmas time, and I'll be out of the country to visit my family, and due to a small mishap I can't take him with me. Chicco is a very affectionate, and very playful cat. I'm looking for someone to clean his litter and give him food and water. If they could stay for a bit for a couple days a week to play with him, that would be a bonus. Are you free during these dates?
Woonplaats | Delft |
Postcode | 2611CN |
Beantwoorde berichten | 0% |
Lid sinds | december 2024 |
Laatste keer ingelogd | 2 dagen geleden |
E-mailadres Geverifiëerd |
Meld je gemakkelijk en gratis aan als huisdierenoppas en kom in contact met dit baasje.
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