Huisdierenoppas Aleksandra uit Delft


Are you looking for a warm home for your beloved dog? I can promise you they will receive plenty of love and attention from me (and from my partner, as a bonus:)). I'm also happy to do housesitting and take care of your dog (or cat) where they feel most comfortable. Let me know what's best for them. My name is Ola, I come from Poland, but I've been living in the Netherlands for 3 years now. I live in an apartment with my boyfriend in a nice quiet area in Delft. I adore animals, which is why I also am vegetarian. They are wonderful creatures which we should all appreciate much more than we are:) I have experience with puppies, bigger and rescued dogs. I always treat them with patience, respect, and love. You can count on me that I will take responsibility if there's an emergency and they need to go the vet. Also, I'll be sending you photos or videos if you want to be more in touch and make sure that everything is okay. I love to cuddle or simply observe them. I aim to have a dog myself, and once I fully settle down in Delft, I'm definitely gonna adopt one:)

Mijn beschikbaarheid

Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo
Huisdierenoppas Aleksandra uit Delft
  Bewaren   Bewaard   Direct reageren
Woonplaats Delft
Postcode 2628HW
Lid sindsjanuari 2025
Laatste keer ingelogd1 maand geleden
 Telefoonnummer Geverifiëerd

Ik bied aan

Dagopvang bij mij thuis
Dagopvang bij oppas: 40
Dag en nacht opvang bij mij thuis
Huisdier logeert bij oppas: 40